- From www.coursera.org
Enhance Your Career and Employability Skills
18 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
Week One: What do you want? – Self Awareness
- What do you need from your career? Identifying and assessing careers values.
- Self-discovery or self-creation – where does your true career identity reside?
- Can you predict what will make you happy? Commonproblems in anticipating the future.
- Can you speak the secret language of skills? Evidence your achievements in a meaningful way.
- Making yourself instantly attractive. What skills are employers asking for?
- How can you build your skills? Education andexperience – what’s the best investment?
- Are you open to opportunities? What behaviours increase your chances of getting lucky breaks?
- Are you using the right methods? Which ways of finding opportunities are right for you?
- Can you create your own job? Intrapreneurshipand entrepreneurship.
- Are you using the right medium for the message? CVs, portfolios and other ways of selling yourself.
- Your personal brand. What does your on-line profile say about you?
- Can you decode job descriptions? A step-by-stepprocess for preparing better applications
- Do interviews always have to be nerve-wracking? The secrets to interview confidence.
- Can you deal with bad interviewers? Common interviewer weaknesses and how to use them.
- Can you increase the chances that people willlike you? Maximising first impressions.
- Does networking actually work? The benefits of loose ties.
- Are you using online media effectively? How LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can help your career.
- Is networking just for job hunting? The socialworkplace and the power of relationships
- Laura Brammar - The Careers Group, University of London
- David Winter - The Careers Group, University of London
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