- From www.udacity.com
Building High Conversion Web Forms

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- 2 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
Efficient Inputs Part 1
* You'll be introduced to the principles of useful forms* You'll research HTML5 input types* You'll build a datalist inputEfficient Inputs Part 2
* You'll exercise best practices for implementing input labels and types with many sample inputs* You'll validate user input with HTML5 attributes and the [Constraint Validation API](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Forms_in_HTML#Constraint_Validation_API)Fast Forms
* You'll start exploring techniques for making forms faster and easier for users* You'll practice empathy for your users in order to simplify and expedite forms* You'll apply everything you've learned so far by designing and building an e-commerce checkoutTouch Support
* You'll explore best practices for responding to and designing user interactions on mobile* You'll use touch events to build a mobile-ready touch slider* You'll be introduced to the final project - an event planner app!Prerequisite
- Ido Green - Ido is a Developer Advocate for Google Chrome. In the past 20 years, he started six companies and had a lot of fun developing and scaling large systems. He has a wide array of skills and experience, including HTML5, JavaScript, Java, PHP -- and all aspects of agile development and scaling systems. His last book [Web Workers: Multithreaded Programs in JavaScript](http://www.amazon.com/Web-Workers-Multithreaded-Programs-JavaScript/dp/1449322131) will help you sleep better on long flights. You can follow his adventures [here.](http://ido-green.appspot.com/)
- Cameron Pittman - A passionate educator and programmer, Cameron lives and breathes web development as he creates programming courses at Udacity. Before coming here, Cameron was a combination Director of Content and web developer at Seattle startup LearnBIG. He taught four years of high school physics and chemistry in Nashville, TN, during which time he pioneered teaching physics with the video game Portal 2. Cameron graduated with a degree in physics and astronomy from Vanderbilt University and earned his master's in teaching from Belmont University.
Google is a company founded on 4 September 1998 in the Google garage in Silicon Valley, California, by Larry Page and Sergueï Brin, creators of the Google search engine.
The company made its name primarily through the monopolistic position of its search engine, which faced competition first from AltaVista and then from Yahoo! and Bing. It has since made a number of acquisitions and developments, and today owns a number of noteworthy software products and websites, including YouTube, the Android operating system for mobile phones, and other services such as Google Earth, Google Maps and Google Play.

Udacity is a for-profit educational organization founded by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky offering massive open online courses (MOOCs). According to Thrun, the origin of the name Udacity comes from the company's desire to be "audacious for you, the student". While it originally focused on offering university-style courses, it now focuses more on vocational courses for professionals.