
Malt is Europe's leading freelance matchmaker. With a team of 200 people, Malt is helping to transform the world of work by connecting 200,000 freelancers in digital professions with 30,000 corporate customers, 85% of them CAC 40 companies.

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
1 review

TRUST YOUR TECHNOLUST t's a simple mantra proclaimed throughout hundreds of episodes. We live it. We breathe it. We invite you to share this simple love for technology. As the longest running show on YouTube, these award winning shows serve as a

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
2 reviews
Hacking your leadership podcast

Official YouTube channel of the Hacking Your Leadership Podcast. Hacking Your Leadership is a podcast series dedicated to discovering the best strategies and approaches for successful leadership. Hosted by experienced business leaders, each episode f

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Oxford Online English

Oxford Online English is an online English school offering premium-quality online English lessons to suit your needs. We also make free English lessons every week, and you can see our free English video lessons here.

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
3 reviews
Learn English with Papa Teach Me

Learn English with Aly from Papa Teach Me ! English Grammar, Important Vocabulary, and Speaking skills.

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
7 reviews

Video tutorial on the use of office automation tools:  - Standard: Excel, Word, Powerpoint - Languages: Excel VBA, M Language, DAX Language - Business Intelligence: Power Query, Power Pivot and BI Desktop

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review

Welcome to NoCoders, the Youtube channel dedicated to learning NoCode technologies! We'll help you adopt the tools you need to solve your everyday problems: Are creating a website, a mobile app or a CRM the technical challenges that have always

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review

DAREY.IO is a social and Project Based Learning platform that focuses on helping people launch a tech career professionally by delivering relevant content, practical and achievable projects. We provide hands-on mentorship through real-world projects.

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review

Video tutorials on IT: system and network administration (Windows Server, Linux, Hyper-V, Windows 10, GPO, Active Directory, etc.), home automation, security, the Cloud (Office 365), hardware and scripting, especially PowerShell. For professionals, g

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
2 reviews
Christèle Albaret

Recognized psychosociologist, sexologist and mental coach, Christèle Albaret is an expert in relational sciences. She is also a pioneer in digital therapy and e-health. Christèle Albaret has been part of the team of experts accompanying

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
7 reviews
Les Tutos de Huito

A channel dedicated to learning English, created by an English teacher, to help students (middle school/high school) as well as beginners and experienced adults brush up their English. All free of charge, of course! Pronunciation, intonation, accent

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
4 reviews
Français authentique

Français Authentique s'adresse aux gens dont le français n'est pas la langue maternelle mais qui possèdent de solides bases dans cette langue. Vous avez vécu en France, travaillé dans un pays francophone ou

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
31 reviews
Google Career Certificates

Preparing you for entry-level roles in growing career paths. This channel features lessons from the Google Career Certificates, designed to prepare you for entry-level roles in career fields like cybersecurity, data analytics, digital marketing &

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Adriana Girdler

  Welcome to my channel that focusses on the skills and strategies you need to excel in your career and SLAY your next project. My videos share project management and career success tips to make you a productivity superstar so you can WOW your

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
4 reviews
Labo Des Réseaux

On t'aide à booster ta visibilité sur les Réseaux ! Décryptage, explications sur l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux tels que YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Discord, WhatsApp,

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Déclic International

What does it really work when it comes to creating truly inclusive and diverse organizations? Here you’ll find insights to help you accelerate progress on your inclusion journey. This channel is brought to you by Déclic International (ww

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
AIHR - Academy to Innovate HR

At AIHR, the Academy to Innovate HR, it is our mission to make HR future-proof by offering world-class online education programs available anywhere, anytime. In our Academy, any HR professional who is committed to lifelong learning can expand their s

Global rate : 5/5
14 courses
17 reviews
Verizon Business

Verizon Business solutions are tailored to fit your business. Verizon Business partners with you to create custom combined products and services that drive your business needs for Small Businesses, Enterprise and Medium Businesses and Public Sector.

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
2 reviews
Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek is an unshakable optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. Simon has devoted his life to help advance a vision of the world that does not yet exist; a world in which the vast majority of people wake up

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
5 reviews
Aurélie Jacob Consulting

Bienvenue sur ma chaîne ! Si vous êtes manager, DRH, responsable formation ou chef d'entreprise et que vous souhaitez connaître des outils pour gérer et réduire les conflits en entreprise (clients et collaborateurs

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
3 reviews
La Minute Agile

Bienvenue sur la chaîne de la nouvelle web série de l'agilité ! Qu'est-ce que La Minute Agile ? C'est une web série de vidéos de 2 minutes pour apprendre de nombreuses choses autour de l'agilité

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Columbia Business School

  Centered in New York City, the global hub of business, Columbia Business School offers its diverse and entrepreneurial students daily access to influential industry leaders. Our renowned faculty members are at the forefront of their fields, p

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Bpifrance Université

La plateforme de formations en ligne Bpifrance Université propose plus de 500 ressources accessibles gratuitement sur inscription, sur tous les thèmes liés au management des entreprises, calibrées pour les besoins et l&rsq

Global rate : 5/5
497 courses
1 review
Public Health Foundation (PHF)

The Public Health Foundation (PHF) is a private, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization based in Washington, DC, whose mission is to advance the public health workforce to achieve organizational excellence. Since 1970, PHF has developed effective

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
National Research Tomsk State University

National Research Tomsk State University is the largest classical university in the Asian part of Russia. For over 135 years TSU has been training the scientific and managerial elite, based on the integration of academic process and fundamental scie

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
4 reviews
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Ranked among the top academic and research institutions worldwide, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is Israel's leading university and premier research institution. Serving 23,000 students from 70 countries, the Hebrew University produces a third

Global rate : 5/5
9 courses
1 review
Commonwealth Education Trust

The Commonwealth Education Trust invests in primary and secondary education and the professional development of teachers throughout their careers. Through education it seeks to enhance the opportunities for children from all walks of life to contribu

Global rate : 5/5
10 courses
3 reviews
University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) was established in 1911 and continues to set the standard for other West Australian universities. Staff, students and graduates from the University have been recognised at state, national and international le

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
1 review
Brown University

Founded in 1764, Brown University is an independent, coeducational Ivy League institution. It is recognized for the quality of its teaching, research, and unique curriculum. The seventh-oldest college in the United States, Brown University is located

Global rate : 5/5
5 courses
1 review
University of Lausanne

The University of Lausanne is a Swiss state university founded in 1537. It is focused on Medicine, Life Sciences, Geosciences, Environmental Sciences, Business, Humanities, Social Sciences and Sport Sciences. UNIL is a research-intensive university w

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
4 reviews
Universidade Estadual de Campinas

A UNICAMP, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, é uma autarquia, autônoma em política educacional, com recursos orçamentários originados do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, no Brasil. Fundada em 1966, é uma instituição jovem, reconhecida nacional e inte

Global rate : 5/5
9 courses
9 reviews
UNSW Australia (The University of New South Wales)

UNSW Australia, based in Sydney, was established in 1949 and is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities with more than 50,000 students from over 120 countries. UNSW aspires to provide students with an outstanding educational exp

Global rate : 5/5
7 courses
5 reviews
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a public university of an international outlook, fully integrated within its area, offering quality education in close association with research activity, the transfer of scientific, technological, cultu

Global rate : 5/5
21 courses
2 reviews
University of Cape Town

The University of Cape Town is the oldest university in South Africa and is one of the leading research universities on the African continent. UCT has over 25 000 students, of whom 30% are postgraduate students. We offer degrees in six faculties: Com

Global rate : 5/5
3 courses
1 review
Universidad de los Andes

La Universidad de los Andes es una institución autónoma, independiente e innovadora que propicia el pluralismo, la tolerancia y el respeto de las ideas; que busca la excelencia académica e imparte a sus estudiantes una formación crítica y ética para

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
2 reviews
National University of Singapore

A leading global university located in Asia, the National University of Singapore (NUS) is Singapore’s flagship university, and offers a global approach to education and research with a focus on Asian perspectives and expertise. Its transformative ed

Global rate : 5/5
7 courses
1 review
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is an innovative public university committed to the improvement of society through teaching of the highest quality and cutting-edge research in line with stringent international guidelines. UC3M has three degre

Global rate : 5/5
18 courses
1 review

Fullbridge is committed to helping young professionals succeed in the global economy through transformational professional and industry-specific skill-building programs. Launched in 2011, Fullbridge has run programs for more than 8,000 students in th

Global rate : 5/5
5 courses
2 reviews
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Founded in 1623 and governed by the Jesuits, the Universidad Javeriana is a private and not-for-profit institution of higher education. It is legally established under ecclesiastical law, recognized by the Colombian State to operate and authorized to

Global rate : 5/5
20 courses
1 review
University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong

Global rate : 5/5
15 courses
1 review
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Global rate : 5/5
16 courses
3 reviews
The International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund

Global rate : 5/5
14 courses
1 review
The Georgia Institute of Technology

The Georgia Institute of Technology

Global rate : 5/5
23 courses
4 reviews
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Global rate : 5/5
5 courses
1 review


Global rate : 5/5
8 courses
3 reviews
Technische Universität München

Technische Universität München

Global rate : 5/5
13 courses
6 reviews


Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
1 review
RWTH Aachen University

RWTH Aachen University is among the leading technical universities in Europe measured by its academic output, the quality of its graduates, and by the quantity of its external funding. A unique location in the center of Europe bordering Belgium and t

Global rate : 5/5
12 courses
4 reviews

The École Pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées (the "Graduate School of Computer Science and Advanced Technologies"), more commonly known as EPITA is a French education institution specialized in the field of com

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Université de Jendouba

L'Université de Jendouba est une université tunisienne basée à Jendouba.

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
1 review
École des Ponts ParisTech

École des Ponts ParisTech (originally called École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées or ENPC, also nicknamed Ponts) is a university-level institution of higher education and research in the field of science, engineering and techno

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
1 review
Common Purpose

Common Purpose runs leadership development programmes that enable people from different backgrounds, sectors, geographies and generations to work together to solve common problems. In the process, it gives participants the inspiration, skills and con

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Université de la Polynésie Française

L’université de la Polynésie française est une université française située à Punaauia, en Polynésie française.

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique, plus connu sous le sigle CNRS, est le plus grand organisme public français de recherche scientifique.

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
3 reviews
University of the Witwatersrand

The University of the Witwatersrand is a South African academic institution located in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province, in the historic Witwatersrand region. The university is nicknamed "Wits". It is the largest and most prestigious universi

Global rate : 5/5
11 courses
1 review

As one of the world's leading and largest graduate business schools, INSEAD brings together people, cultures and ideas to develop responsible leaders who transform business and society. INSEAD’s multi-campus format and unmatched diversity d

Global rate : 5/5
8 courses
1 review
Indiana University

Indiana University is one of the great research universities of the 21st century and a world-class institution of higher learning. Founded in 1820, IU now enrolls over 110,000 students from around the globe and offers more than 500 academic programs,

Global rate : 5/5
3 courses
1 review
University of Glasgow

Founded in 1451, the University of Glasgow is the fourth oldest university in the English-speaking world.

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
1 review
Chartered Institute of Building Academy

The CIOB Academy is built to take action to overcome some of the construction Industry’s greatest challenges. We’re here to future-proof your company’s greatest assets: your people, delivering training, the right knowledge and &lsqu

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review

À la suite de la loi du 16 juillet 1971 organisant le dispositif de formation professionnelle continue, AGEFOS PME est une association loi de 1901 qui a été créée en 1972 pour gérer la collecte et la gestion

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
3 reviews
Imperial College London

Imperial College London (legally Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine) is a public research university located in London. In 1851, Prince Albert built his vision of an area for culture, including the Victoria and Albert Museum, Natura

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
1 review

The Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), based in Marseille, is a French public scientific and technological establishment (EPST) under the supervision of the Ministries of Research and Cooperation. It is involved in scientific

Global rate : 5/5
23 courses
3 reviews

L’Agence française de développement médias est l'opérateur de coopération du ministère français des Affaires étrangères, chargé de coordonner et d'animer la politique

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
2 reviews
Expertise France

Expertise France (EF) est le « nom de marque » de l'agence française d'expertise technique internationale (AFETI)1, établissement public à caractère industriel et commercial2 œuvrant sous la doubl

Global rate : 5/5
6 courses
4 reviews

Understood is a non-profit dedicated to serving the millions of families of kids who learn and think differently. Since 2014, Understood has served millions of families of kids who learn and think differently. In 2012, our Workplace program was crea

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
5 reviews
Droit Devant

Le droit social en entreprise. Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur vos droits applicables à la relation de travail salarié / employeur et des conseils pratiques pour gérer votre carrière professionnelle.

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Haute école Charlemagne

La Haute École Charlemagne est l'une des cinq hautes écoles publiques de la Communauté française de Belgique organisées par Wallonie-Bruxelles Enseignement. La HECh est en partenariat étroit avec la HE R

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
3 reviews
HESAM Université

HESAM Université est une communauté de la connaissance, dont la stratégie de recherche, de formation et d’innovation interdisciplinaire se concentre sur les questions de transformation de nos sociétés. HESAM U

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Université Paris Cité

Université de recherche intensive pluridisciplinaire, Université Paris Cité se hisse au niveau des établissements français et internationaux les plus prestigieux grâce à sa recherche de très haut

Global rate : 5/5
3 courses
1 review
Montpellier Business School

Montpellier Business School est une école de commerce française située à Montpellier, et fondée en 1897. L'école est la propriété jusqu'en 2013 de la chambre de commerce et d'industr

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review

Skillsday est né en 2015 sous l’impulsion d’amoureux de la pédagogie. Dès sa création, nous avons décidé de digitaliser une partie de notre savoir pour compléter nos formations en salle de

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
3 reviews
Rayonne Ta Boîte

Rayonne Ta Boîte est un podcast hebdomadaire qui crée des passerelles entre le développement personnel et l’entreprenariat, pour t’aider à construire une entreprise sur mesure, et au service de ton épanou

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
2 reviews

Une formation personnalisée, une expérience reconnue. Depuis 1978, ALAJI développe ses compétences sur le Grand Est. Son expérience, son souci de qualité, son sens de l’innovation en font un partenaire

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
2 reviews

The Dataseito channel talks about data analysis and visualization with Microsoft Power BI. It shares tips and experiences to ensure your reporting is always top-notch! Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, you'll always find some

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
3 reviews
Blue Soft Empower

We believe in the power of the current and its ability to inspire everyone, while respecting differences. That's how the Blue Soft group was built. In 2023, Projetlys will fully embrace blue power and become Blue Soft Empower. Empower symbolise

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
1 review
Ritch Rivia

Hi, my name is Richard, and I'm pleased to welcome you to our Rivia YouTube channel! If you're a fan of Webflow and you're looking to learn more about this incredibly powerful site-building tool, you've come to the right place. On o

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
1 review
Cookie connecté

My challenge with this channel is to explain a complex IT or digital subject in less than 10 minutes. The cloud, infrastructure and new IT trends are my passion and I want to share my knowledge with you. Simple drawings and concise explanations are

Global rate : 5/5
4 courses
1 review
Invensis Learning

Invensis Learning is a leading certification training provider for individuals and enterprises globally. Our expertise in providing globally-recognized IT & Technical certification courses has enabled us to be one of the trusted certification tra

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
2 reviews
Hanken School of Economics

Hanken School of Economics is a leading internationally accredited Finnish university with operations in Helsinki and Vaasa, Finland. It is one of the oldest business schools in the Nordic countries, with over 100 years of experience in education and

Global rate : 5/5
3 courses
11 reviews
Macquarie University

Macquarie is a hub of inspired and unconstrained thinking. Macquarie was founded with a unique purpose: to bring minds together unhindered by tradition. Created to challenge the education establishment, Macquarie has a rich track record of innovati

Global rate : 5/5
11 courses
21 reviews
My Happy Job

My Happy Job, c'est le webzine du bien-être au travail. Au menu : des témoignages inspirants, des avis d’experts, des initiatives positives, des conseils pratiques… Le tout pour être bien dans son job et esquisser

Global rate : 5/5
2 courses
20 reviews
Powell Software

Powell Software is a comprehensive Digital Workplace platform that covers the spectrum of business communication and employee experience, as well as employee engagement, collaboration, and productivity. We help over 1.5 million users around the world

Global rate : 5/5
1 course
391 reviews
The World Bank Group

The World Bank Group is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. We support developing countries through policy advice, research and analysis, and technical assistance. Our analytical work often u

Global rate : 5/5
10 courses
138 reviews
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The National Autonomous University of Mexico is a Mexican public university. Throughout its history, and particularly during the first seven decades of the 20th century, it has educated the leading political figures, writers, scientists, engineers a

Global rate : 4.9/5
25 courses
6 reviews
Université de la Reunion

L'université de La Réunion est une université française située dans le département d'outre-mer de La Réunion.

Global rate : 4.9/5
3 courses
96 reviews
Monash University

Monash University is one of Australia’s leading universities ranked in the world’s top 1% (Times Higher Education World University Rankings) Monash University was established in Melbourne, Australia in 1958. In little more than 50 years,

Global rate : 4.9/5
9 courses
10 reviews
Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC)

The École nationale de l'aviation civile or ENAC is one of 210 French engineering schools authorized to issue an engineering degree. Founded August 28, 1949, its mission is to provide the initial training and development of managers and k

Global rate : 4.9/5
2 courses
4 reviews
University System of Georgia

The University System of Georgia is composed of 31 higher education institutions including 4 research universities, 2 regional universities, 12 state universities, 13 state colleges and the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography. The Georgia Public Libra

Global rate : 4.9/5
9 courses
2 reviews
ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich

Global rate : 4.9/5
11 courses
2 reviews
Université de Leyde

Leiden University is the oldest Dutch universities. Located in Leiden, she is famous and was attended by several members of the royal family of the Netherlands.

Global rate : 4.9/5
3 courses
11 reviews
Assurance banque Epargne Info service

Assurance banque Epargne Info service is a single point of contact for all your questions on insurance, banking, credit, the stock market and savings. The site is jointly managed by the ACPR (Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de r&eacut

Global rate : 4.9/5
1 course
73 reviews

MIT is a world-class educational institution where teaching and research — with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle — continue to be its primary purpose. MIT is independent, coeducational, and privately endowed. Its f

Global rate : 4.9/5
169 courses
33 reviews

Hi! I'm Vanessa Hill, a behavioural sleep scientist and science communicator. On BrainCraft I explore psychology, neuroscience and self-development. My mission is to bridge the gap between scientific research and your daily well-being.

Global rate : 4.9/5
1 course
77 reviews
Jamy - Epicurieux

Knowledge has to be shared ! Welcome to the adventure, epicurious people !

Global rate : 4.9/5
3 courses
8 reviews
Julien Godefroy [Réussir Son Management]

Management consultant and trainer. I help people develop their management and time management skills through articles, videos, ebooks and online training.

Global rate : 4.9/5
1 course
4 reviews

Carbo accélère la prise de conscience écologique pour réduire notre empreinte carbone dès maintenant.

Global rate : 4.9/5
18 courses
12 reviews

Co-founder of a language-learning platform Linguatrip, passionate about learning languages. I speak Russian, English, German, and a bit of Italian.

Global rate : 4.9/5
1 course
4 reviews
University of Washington

The University of Washington is a public research university in Seattle, Washington. Founded on November 4, 1861 as Territorial University, Washington is one of the oldest universities on the West Coast and was established in Seattle about a decade a

Global rate : 4.9/5
52 courses
50 reviews
Universidade de São Paulo

Criada em 1934, a Universidade de São Paulo é uma das mais importantes instituições de ensino superior e pesquisa do Brasil, responsável por uma proporção significativa dos títulos de Mestrado e Doutorado do país. A USP é reconhecida por sua busca pe

Global rate : 4.9/5
5 courses
5 reviews
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

Founded in 1829, Rochester Institute of Technology is a coeducational, privately funded university with nine colleges emphasizing career education and experiential learning. THE CAMPUS occupies 1,300 acres in the suburbs of Rochester, the third larg

Global rate : 4.8/5
28 courses
80 reviews
University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki is the largest and oldest university in Finland. It currently educates about 20,240 students. It is a member of the European League of Research Universities and the European University Alliance Europaeum and emphasises qual

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
2 reviews
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) School of Public Health

Global rate : 4.8/5
2 courses
2 reviews
The Pennsylvania State University

Founded in 1855 as Pennsylvania's only land-grant university, The Pennsylvania State University combines academic rigor with a vibrant campus life. A nationally recognized Research-I institution, Penn State teaches students to be leaders with a g

Global rate : 4.8/5
10 courses
3 reviews
Chalmers University of Technology

Chalmers University of Technology

Global rate : 4.8/5
15 courses
3 reviews
University of Colorado System

The University of Colorado is a recognized leader in higher education on the national and global stage. We collaborate to meet the diverse needs of our students and communities. We promote innovation, encourage discovery and support the extension o

Global rate : 4.8/5
12 courses
1 review

ICAN (Institute of creation and digital animation) is a college that trains computer graphics director combining technical expertise with the creativity of the designer. INSTITUTE graduate specialized in the field of image and digital, school form t

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
1 review
Chandler Bolt

Welcome to the 7 Figure Principles Show with Chandler Bolt! Chandler is the Forbes 30 Under 30 CEO & Founder of Self Publishing School and the owner of This is a show for entrepreneurs, leaders, and high achievers and not for

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
6 reviews

HAXXOM est une société de conseil en management des risques, sécurité et sûreté. Elle accompagne, en France comme à l'étranger, les entreprises de toutes tailles, les collectivités, le

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
6 reviews
Place Matters Oregon

Leading the movement to make Oregon a healthier place to live! Eating better, moving more and living tobacco free lets Oregonians live healthier lives and do the things they love. Today in Oregon, nutritious food, places to play and exercise, and smo

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
3 reviews
Le Mans Université

Le Mans University is: 11,000 students, 2 campuses, Le Mans and Laval, 3 faculties, 2 IUT and 1 engineering school, 15 research laboratories including 6 associated with the CNRS. Le Mans University is part of an initiative aimed at the professionali

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
1 review
MIT Sloan Management Review

La Sloan School of Management est l'une des cinq écoles du Massachusetts Institute of Technology, situé à Cambridge dans le Massachusetts. Fondée en 1914, la MIT Sloan est l'une des principales business schools mo

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
6 reviews

L’INSTN a été créée en 1956 pour former des ingénieurs et chercheurs dans le domaine des sciences et techniques nucléaires, et répondre notamment aux besoins en compétences de l’indu

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
3 reviews

La Matmut, acronyme de Mutuelle assurance des travailleurs mutualistes, est une société d'assurance mutuelle. 

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
3 reviews
Health Assured

Health Assured is the UK and Ireland’s largest independent and award-winning employee assistance programme (EAP) provider. Every day, we offer specialist support to over 13 million lives. We aim high, and we achieve it. Our goal is 100% engage

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
35 reviews
École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE)

L’École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) est un grand établissement d’enseignement supérieur où l’on pratique la recherche dans trois sections : Sciences de la vie et de la terre, Sciences histori

Global rate : 4.8/5
4 courses
10 reviews


Global rate : 4.8/5
2 courses
22 reviews
Bärchen education

Bärchen Education invente des formations en classe ou à distance en banque finance ou assurance. Nous développons des certifications éligibles au CPF et des diplômes avec des partenaires académiques tels que l&r

Global rate : 4.8/5
5 courses
10 reviews
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)

As one of Europe's leading research universities, LMU Munich is committed to the highest international standards of excellence in research and teaching. Building on its 500-year-tradition of scholarship, LMU covers a broad spectrum of disciplines, ra

Global rate : 4.8/5
8 courses
93 reviews
The Museum of Modern Art

The Museum of Modern Art is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds, and provides inspiration. With extraordinary exhibitions and the world's finest collection of modern and contemporary art, MoMA is dedicated to the conversation between the pas

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
21 reviews

This channel is the official channel of the platform. It offers comprehensive professional training by a multi-certified expert with many years' experience in various technological fields (VMware, Windows 2008, Hyper-V, Cisco, Linux,

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
5 reviews

The University of California, Berkeley was chartered in 1868, and its flagship campus — envisioned as a "City of Learning" — was established at Berkeley, on San Francisco Bay. Berkeley faculty consists of 1,582 full-time and 500

Global rate : 4.8/5
54 courses
75 reviews
Conventry University

Coventry University is a post-1992 British university located in Coventry, England, United Kingdom. The university, which has around 17,000 students, is particularly well known for its engineering and automotive design.

Global rate : 4.8/5
34 courses
51 reviews
ISM University of Management and Economics

ISM University of Management and Economics is an institution of undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate education in business, management and economics. The university serves as a centre of market analysis, executive training and academic thought.

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
34 reviews
Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes)

The Agrocampus Rennes (in French called in full École nationale supérieure agronomique de Rennes, meaning "Higher Institution for agricultural sciences of Rennes") was a French grande école created in 1849, training stu

Global rate : 4.8/5
7 courses
16 reviews
Université de Genève

Founded in 1559, the University of Geneva is now the second largest university in Switzerland. The jewel in the crown of the city of Calvin, the institution enjoys a privileged international reputation and cultivates its openness to the world. The U

Global rate : 4.8/5
25 courses
146 reviews
Université Jean Monnet

L’IUT de Roanne a pour ambition de continuer, en ne cessant d’inscrire l’étudiant au centre du dispositif, à développer une formation de qualité fondée sur l’innovation et la proximité

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
49 reviews
Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology (in Dutch: Technische Universiteit Delft), better known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest public university in the Netherlands.  It is based in Delft, in the Netherlands. In the QS World University Rankings 2

Global rate : 4.8/5
94 courses
18 reviews
Tecnológico de Monterrey

The Monterrey Institute of Technology and Advanced Studies, better known as Tecnológico de Monterrey, is a private university based in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. It is currently one of the schools with the highest academic recognit

Global rate : 4.8/5
32 courses
10 reviews
University of Michigan

The University of Michigan (UM, UMich or simply Michigan) is a public research university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the United States. Founded in 1817, the university is Michigan's oldest and largest. The mission of the University of Mi

Global rate : 4.8/5
57 courses
284 reviews


Global rate : 4.8/5
10 courses
3 reviews
University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia was founded in Vancouver in 1908. The College of British Columbia is one of the most prestigious universities in North America, and ranks among the top universities in the world. UBC has more than 61,000 students, s

Global rate : 4.8/5
40 courses
5 reviews

Founded on January 1st 2007 by the three following Graduate Institutes in Science and Engineering: INA P-G - Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon ENGREF – Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts ENSIA –

Global rate : 4.8/5
5 courses
9 reviews

Ecole Supérieure de Cuisine Française (ESCF - Higher School of French Cuisine at Ferrandi) is a professional training school located in central Paris. Established by The Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP), the school is part

Global rate : 4.8/5
4 courses
2 reviews

Established in 1947, INRS is an french association. It is managed by a Board of Directors comprising representatives Joint employers organizations or employees. General body health and safety, INRS acts as liaison with other institutional actors in t

Global rate : 4.8/5
8 courses
2 reviews
AgroSup Dijon

L’Institut national supérieur des sciences agronomiques, de l'alimentation et de l'environnement, dont le nom d'usage est Agrosup Dijon, est l'une des 210 écoles d'ingénieurs françaises habilit&ea

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
2 reviews

Total SA is a private French oil and gas company, which is part of the "supermajors", that is to say the six largest companies in the sector on a global scale, with ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, BP and ConocoPhillips.

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
16 reviews
International Compliance Association

Creating compliance leaders.

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
4 reviews

ProLearning c'est deux étudiants en école d'ingénieur désireux de partager leurs connaissances ! On espère pouvoir aider les étudiants et les professionnels à réaliser de meilleures pr&e

Global rate : 4.8/5
1 course
4 reviews
IE Business School

IE Business School, whose full name is Instituto de Empresa Business School, is a Spanish business school based in Madrid. It is regularly recognised by various rankings as one of the best business schools in Europe and the world, and one of the bes

Global rate : 4.7/5
24 courses
60 reviews
IESE Business School

For over fifty years, IESE, the graduate business school of the University of Navarra, has been at the forefront of management education, developing and inspiring business leaders who strive to make a deep, positive and lasting impact on the people,

Global rate : 4.7/5
12 courses
25 reviews
Université de Bretagne Occidentale

A public institution founded in 1971, UBO is a medium-sized university (around 18,000 students) offering a wide range of programs in all fields. It is a member of the Université Européenne de Bretagne (UEB), a regional coordination stru

Global rate : 4.7/5
5 courses
20 reviews
Gobelins, l'école de l'image

Gobelins L'École de L'Image or Gobelins, the school of visual communication is a Parisian school of the visual arts, with its main location near the Latin Quarter. A consular school funded by the Parisian Chamber of Commerce and Indust

Global rate : 4.7/5
4 courses
80 reviews

Measure employee engagement, easily analyze people data, and act on results to drive performance and reduce attrition.

Global rate : 4.7/5
1 course
20 reviews

If you feel it's time to stop making sacrifices to develop a business, then you're welcome. We enable passionate entrepreneurs and managers to enter a new business world, a world where it's possible to succeed without missing out on life.

Global rate : 4.7/5
2 courses
20 reviews
Université Lyon III

Jean Moulin University Lyon III (Université Jean Moulin Lyon III) is a French public university, based in Lyon. It is under the supervision of the Academy of Lyon. A total of 22,500 students study there for a three-to-eight-year degree.

Global rate : 4.7/5
5 courses
255 reviews
Agir chaque jour

Que vous soyez sociétaire ou client du Crédit agricole, décideur économique ou jeune talent, journaliste ou simple citoyen du monde d'Internet, la Fédération nationale du Crédit agricole a con&cced

Global rate : 4.7/5
1 course
25 reviews
Université de Lille

The University of Lille, Science and Technology is a large comprehensive university: science and technology, engineering sciences, social sciences, economic and management sciences. Our university has a strong research potential, varied training offe

Global rate : 4.7/5
14 courses
5 reviews
Georgia Institute of Technology

The Georgia Institute of Technology, also known as Georgia Tech or GT, is a co-educational public research university located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. It is part of the wider University System of Georgia network. Georgia Tech has offices in Savannah

Global rate : 4.7/5
64 courses
141 reviews
Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore ( IIM Bangalore or IIMB ) is a public business school and institute of national importance located in Bangalore, India. Founded in 1973, it was the third IIM to be established, after IIM Calcutta and IIM Ahmed

Global rate : 4.7/5
42 courses
5 reviews
University of Colorado Boulder

The University of Colorado at Boulder is an American university located in Boulder (Colorado). The university was founded in 1870, six years after the creation of the state of Colorado. It was built on a 30-hectare site. In 1872, the campus was enla

Global rate : 4.7/5
28 courses
82 reviews
Université Paris-Saclay

The Université Paris-Saclay was designed in 2019 to develop the continuum of knowledge from fundamental to applied sciences at a level unprecedented in France, emphasising interdisciplinarity and openness to the world. It is the successor to t

Global rate : 4.7/5
28 courses
64 reviews
Université de Senghor

Université internationale de langue française au service du développement africain. Opérateur direct de la Francophonie. Un pôle d’excellence au service du développement

Global rate : 4.7/5
5 courses
4 reviews
Université Libre de Bruxelles

The Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) (French for Free University of Brussels, though rarely translated) is a French-speaking private research university in Brussels, Belgium. It has about 24,200 students, 32% of whom come from abroad, and a

Global rate : 4.7/5
8 courses
134 reviews
IESA multimédia

Since 1994, the multimedia IESA provides training in digital and digital. Sanctioning its curriculum by certified Titles I and II, the school is committed to propose an offer professionalizing in dynamic and innovative sectors.

Global rate : 4.7/5
5 courses
18 reviews
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the nation’s first public university, is known around the world for innovative teaching and research. Regularly ranked as the nation’s best value for academic quality, UNC has produced the most Rhodes

Global rate : 4.7/5
9 courses
260 reviews
Yale University

For more than 300 years, Yale University has inspired the minds that inspire the world. Based in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale brings people and ideas together for positive impact around the globe. A research university that focuses on students and en

Global rate : 4.7/5
22 courses
201 reviews
Université Paris Lumières

Université Paris Lumières is a community of universities and institutions, which brings together the CNRS, two universities and thirteen cultural institutions in the Île-de-France region.

Global rate : 4.7/5
4 courses
333 reviews

IN'TECH est l'École Supérieure d'Ingénierie informatique du Groupe ESIEA. Créée en 2002, elle est présente sur deux campus : Paris et Agen. Notre école d'informatique délivre des

Global rate : 4.7/5
1 course
1 review
University of Mons

Mons University (UMONS) is a francophone university in Belgium located in Mons, capital of the province of Hainaut, near the Franco-Belgian border. The creation of the University of Mons, based on the association of the University of Mons-Hainaut an

Global rate : 4.7/5
1 course
2 reviews

L'École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation de Nantes-Atlantique (Oniris) est un établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel (EPSCP) placé s

Global rate : 4.7/5
1 course
3 reviews
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Young and research-intensive, Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) is ranked 13th globally. It is also placed 1st amongst the world’s best young universities. NTU has about 33,000 students in the colleges of engineering, science, business

Global rate : 4.7/5
3 courses
4 reviews
Davidson College

Davidson College

Global rate : 4.7/5
9 courses
4 reviews
Transformation Digitale : le pourquoi du comment

La transformation digitale comme vecteur de croissance pour votre entreprise ! Les entreprises contemporaines se trouvent de plus en plus démunie face à la digitalisation des processus, aux changements des usages des consommateurs et l&

Global rate : 4.7/5
1 course
3 reviews
Wageningen University

Wageningue University is located in Wageningue, the Netherlands. Its campus is located on the outskirts of the city, which allows it to plan numerous extensions to its premises, all of which are already ultra-modern, due to its scientific nature. The

Global rate : 4.7/5
41 courses
4 reviews
Arts et Métiers Paris Tech

The Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers is a prestigious engineering school. It has trained over 85,000 engineers since its foundation in 1780 by the Duke of Rochefoucauld Liancourt. It is a "Public Scientific, Cultu

Global rate : 4.7/5
4 courses
3 reviews
CIPD - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

The CIPD is the professional body for HR and people development. The not-for-profit organisation champions better work and working lives and has been setting the benchmark for excellence in people and organisation development for more than 100 years.

Global rate : 4.7/5
2 courses
3 reviews

Whether you want to build algorithms or build a company,’s courses will teach you key concepts and applications of AI.

Global rate : 4.7/5
7 courses
2 reviews

Created in June 2005, the Environment and Sustainable Development Virtual University (UVED) is one of seven Thematic Digital Universities (UNT) supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Despite its name, a Thematic Digital Un

Global rate : 4.7/5
83 courses
77 reviews

The Université catholique de Louvain or UCLouvain is a Belgian French-speaking university with several sites in six Belgian cities. Since the adoption of its new name, it has brought together UCL and the Université Saint-Louis - Bruxell

Global rate : 4.7/5
33 courses
214 reviews
Sorbonne Université

Sorbonne Université est une université de recherche de classe mondiale, présentant l'éventail disciplinaire complet des arts, des sciences humaines, des sciences sociales, des sciences naturelles, de l'ingén

Global rate : 4.7/5
8 courses
18 reviews
King's College London

King's College London est un prestigieux établissement d'enseignement supérieur britannique. Fondé en 1829 par le roi George IV et le duc de Wellington, il s'agit de la troisième plus ancienne institution d'

Global rate : 4.7/5
5 courses
10 reviews
Stanford University

Leland Stanford Junior University, better known as Stanford University, is a private American university located in Silicon Valley, south of San Francisco. Its motto is "Die Luft der Freiheit weht", which means "The wind of freedom bl

Global rate : 4.7/5
80 courses
5,846 reviews
Princeton University

Princeton University, also known as Princeton, is a private American university located in the town of Princeton, New Jersey, in the United States. Founded in 1746, it is the fourth oldest institution of higher education in the United States. Ranked

Global rate : 4.7/5
24 courses
13 reviews
The University of California, San Diego

The University of California, San Diego

Global rate : 4.6/5
21 courses
3,154 reviews
University of Virginia

The University of Virginia (also known as UVA, UVa, Virginia) is located on the east coast of the United States in Charlottesville, Virginia. It has also been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. The university was founded in 1819 by Thomas Jeffe

Global rate : 4.6/5
33 courses
116 reviews
Collège des Bernardins

The college Bernardine College or St. Bernard, located 20 rue de Poissy in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, is a former Cistercian college of the University of Paris history. Founded by Stephen of Lexington, abbot of Clairvaux, and built from 1248 wi

Global rate : 4.6/5
22 courses
5,449 reviews
The University of Queensland

The University of Queensland is a public research university located primarily in Brisbane, the capital of the Australian state of Queensland. Founded in 1909 by the Queensland Parliament, UQ is one of six sandstone universities, an informal designat

Global rate : 4.6/5
50 courses
10 reviews
Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

Paris West University Nanterre La Défense (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense) formerly called "Paris X Nanterre" is a French university in the Academy of Versailles. It is one of the most prestigious French uni

Global rate : 4.6/5
4 courses
4 reviews
Columbia University

Columbia University is a private university located in Morningside Heights, in the north-western part of the borough of Manhattan, in New York (United States). Its origins lie in King's College, founded in 1754 by King George II of Great Britain.

Global rate : 4.6/5
52 courses
224 reviews
Aix-Marseille Université

The University of Aix-Marseille or Aix-Marseille Université is a multidisciplinary French university created on 1 January 2012 by the merger of the three universities of Aix-Marseille existing previously, the University of Provence, the Univer

Global rate : 4.6/5
12 courses
12 reviews

Tired of being too subject to other people's opinions? Tired of feeling worthless in the eyes of others? Tired of feeling transparent? Ready to finally become ZATTRACTIVE? "Les ZATTRACTIFS" is for all those who want to develop an impac

Global rate : 4.6/5
1 course
4 reviews
Léa English

Débloquez votre anglais grâce à des vidéos ludiques, motivantes et droit au but. Vous avez étudié l'anglais pendant des années à l'école mais vous n'avez pas du tout atteint le

Global rate : 4.6/5
1 course
8 reviews
The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne is an internationally recognised research intensive University with a strong tradition of excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement. Established in 1853, it is Australia's second oldest University.

Global rate : 4.6/5
22 courses
49 reviews
University of Pittsburgh

Leader in Education | Pioneer in Research | Partner in Regional Development

Global rate : 4.6/5
7 courses
26 reviews
Université de Perpignan

The french University of Perpignan Domitian is human-sized, dynamic and multidisciplinary outreach, facing south Catalonia. The UPVD is also a committed university. Engaged primarily in true digital processing to offer its students the best that exis

Global rate : 4.6/5
7 courses
4 reviews
Institut National de la Consommation (INC)

L'Institut national de la consommation (INC) est un établissement public à caractère industriel et commercial, créé en 1967 sous la tutelle du ministre chargé de la consommation, et un centre de ressource

Global rate : 4.6/5
3 courses
6 reviews
University of Reading

The University of Reading was founded in 1892 during a period of rapid development in the city of Reading, England. This is one of the Red Brick University.  

Global rate : 4.6/5
9 courses
4 reviews
Université Paris-Seine

L’Université Paris-Seine est un établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel constitué sous la forme d’une communauté d’universités et établissement

Global rate : 4.6/5
1 course
9 reviews
Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University (TAU) is Israel's largest institution of higher learning – with over 30,000 students and more than 125 schools and departments in nine faculties. Global in outlook and impact, it is consistently ranked among the world's top 100 un

Global rate : 4.6/5
14 courses
63 reviews
Polytechnique Montréal

Polytechnique Montréal is an engineering college affiliated with the Université de Montréal, located in Montreal, Quebec, and founded in 1873. In addition to its bachelor's degree programs, Polytechnique Montréal offer

Global rate : 4.6/5
9 courses
14 reviews
University of Maryland, College Park

The University of Maryland is the state's flagship university and one of the nation's leading public research universities. A world leader in research, entrepreneurship and innovation, the university is home to more than 37,000 students, 9,00

Global rate : 4.6/5
64 courses
240 reviews
Collège de France

Le Collège de France, anciennement nommé Collège royal, est un grand établissement d'enseignement et de recherche, institué par François Iᵉʳ en 1530. Il est situé place Marcelin-Berthelot dans le 5

Global rate : 4.6/5
1 course
2 reviews
University of Adelaide

University of Adelaide

Global rate : 4.6/5
24 courses
6 reviews
The University of Michigan

The University of Michigan is an American university located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It also has two regional campuses in the same state, in Dearborn and Flint. Founded in 1817, it was Michigan's first university, established even before the Sta

Global rate : 4.6/5
52 courses
2 reviews

The INSA group - Lyon, Rennes, Rouen, Strasbourg, Toulouse and Centre Val de Loire - is France's leading group of public engineering schools. 10% of engineering graduates in France come from the six INSAs each year. Nearly 100% of graduates are h

Global rate : 4.6/5
26 courses
19 reviews
Montpellier SupAgro

Montpellier SupAgro is a French higher university specialising in agriculture and agronomy situated on la Gaillarde campus in Montpellier. It trains students in most of the agronomy and life sciences fields. It is part of Agropolis Fondation. The Mon

Global rate : 4.6/5
6 courses
4 reviews
Université de Lausanne

The University of Lausanne (UNIL, in French: Université de Lausanne) in Lausanne, Switzerland was founded in 1537 as a school of theology, before being made a university in 1890. Today about 13,500 students and 2,200 researchers study and work

Global rate : 4.6/5
1 course
4 reviews

Le CESI est l'une des 205 écoles d'ingénieurs françaises accréditées au 1ᵉʳ septembre 2018 à délivrer un diplôme d'ingénieur. CESI poursuit sa mission sociétale en perm

Global rate : 4.6/5
1 course
4 reviews
Inter-American Development Bank

Inter-American Development Bank

Global rate : 4.6/5
18 courses
16 reviews
ESSEC Business School

The École supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales (more commonly known as ESSEC Business School or ESSEC) is a leading French business and management school, founded in 1907 as a not-for-profit association (under the

Global rate : 4.6/5
47 courses
110 reviews
Rice University

Rice University is a private American research university located in Houston, Texas. It is located in the city's Museum District and is adjacent to the Texas Medical Center. It was founded by William Marsh Rice (en) in 1891 as The William Marsh R

Global rate : 4.6/5
61 courses
12 reviews
The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University is one of the largest universities in the United States. It's also home to a diverse group of the best and brightest people in the world: dedicated faculty, passionate students, and innovative researchers who make Ohio State

Global rate : 4.6/5
13 courses
76 reviews
Université Paris Diderot

Paris Diderot University - Paris 7, also known as Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, is a leading French University located in Paris, France. It is one of the heirs of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Paris (together with Paris 6)

Global rate : 4.6/5
7 courses
11 reviews
Université Paris Sud

University of Paris-Sud (University of Paris XI) is a French university distributed among several campuses in the southern suburb of Paris (including Orsay, Cachan, Châtenay-Malabry, Sceaux and Kremlin-Bicêtre campuses). The main campus i

Global rate : 4.6/5
5 courses
21 reviews
ISAE SupAero

The ISAE-SUPAERO is a worldwide reference in aerospace higher education and research. ISAE-SUPAERO provides high-level Graduate Programs in engineering, Master’s degrees, Advanced Masters, PhD degrees, with a wide range of career opportunities

Global rate : 4.6/5
10 courses
3 reviews

L'Ecole Supérieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées a été créée en 1985 à Bidart par la chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Bayonne Pays Basque en tant qu’institut du logiciel et

Global rate : 4.6/5
1 course
3 reviews
Université de Montpellier

Born in January 2015 by the merger of the french Universities of Montpellier 1 and 2, the University of Montpellier benefits from the excellence and complementarity of these two institutions. She met a large community of knowledge that integrates sci

Global rate : 4.6/5
22 courses
48 reviews

École des hautes études en santé publique, (known in English as "EHESP School of Public Health"), with a campus in both Rennes and Paris is designed to form the next generation of French and international professionals

Global rate : 4.5/5
4 courses
6 reviews
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

The New Sorbonne University (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, also known as Paris III) is a public university in Paris, France. The French cultural revolution of 1968, commonly known as "the French May", resulted in the division o

Global rate : 4.5/5
4 courses
3 reviews
Université de Caen

The University of Caen, whose current full name is University of Caen Normandy (UNICAEN) is a French university, based in Caen (Calvados). It is the only university in the Basse-Normandie region. It welcomes in 2015-2016 almost 28 000 students, as we

Global rate : 4.5/5
6 courses
2,122 reviews
California Institute of the Arts

CalArts has earned an international reputation as the leading college of the visual and performing arts in the United States. Offering rigorous undergraduate and graduate degree programs through six schools—Art, Critical Studies, Dance, Film/Video, M

Global rate : 4.5/5
13 courses
331 reviews
MINES ParisTech

MINES ParisTech (officially École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech), also known as École des Mines de Paris, ENSMP, Mines Paris or simply les Mines), created in 1783 by King Louis XVI, is one of the most p

Global rate : 4.5/5
4 courses
4 reviews
University of California, Irvine

The University of California, Irvine (commonly known as UC Irvine) is a campus of the University of California, founded in 1965 and located in Irvine.  Located in the centre of Orange County, UC Irvine serves the five most populated regions in

Global rate : 4.5/5
72 courses
584 reviews
ESCP Europe

The World's First Business School (est. 1819) ESCP Europe is the world's oldest business school and has educated generations of leaders and entrepreneurs. With its five urban campuses in Berlin, London, Madrid, Paris, Turin and Warsaw, ESCP Europe

Global rate : 4.5/5
7 courses
14 reviews
Copenhagen Business School

Centrally located in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School (CBS) is one of the largest business schools in Europe with close to 20,000 students. CBS offers world-class research-based degree programs at undergraduate, graduate

Global rate : 4.5/5
12 courses
291 reviews
Case Western Reserve University

Case Western Reserve is a leading national research university located in Cleveland, Ohio. Through its seven schools and college, Case Western Reserve offers top-10 programs in health law, organizational behavior and social work and top-25 programs i

Global rate : 4.5/5
11 courses
21 reviews
Wesleyan University

At Wesleyan, distinguished scholar-teachers work closely with students, taking advantage of fluidity among disciplines to explore the world with a variety of tools. The university seeks to build a diverse, energetic community of students, faculty, an

Global rate : 4.5/5
21 courses
29 reviews
Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1

The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, also known as Université Lyon 1 or UCBL, is one of the three public universities of Lyon, France. The dominant areas of study covered by the university are science and medicine. The main administrat

Global rate : 4.5/5
9 courses
7 reviews
Université d’Artois

Artois University is spread over several medium-sized towns of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and is composed of 8 Faculties, 2 University Institutes of Technology (IUTs), a Further Education Department and 15 Research Centres. Since its beginnings i

Global rate : 4.5/5
2 courses
11 reviews
University of New Mexico

As New Mexico’s flagship institution, UNM is a place where cutting-edge research and creative endeavors flourish. We empower our students to lead in tackling complex societal challenges, offering an exceptional education inspired by vision, sch

Global rate : 4.5/5
14 courses
9 reviews
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), or MFTI, is a Russian university located in Dolgoproudny and Moscow. The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology was founded in February 1946 by the Russian Academy of Sciences at

Global rate : 4.5/5
23 courses
36 reviews
École Polytechnique

École Polytechnique combines research, teaching and innovation at the highest scientific and technological level in the world to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The leading French engineering school for over 200 years, its training pr

Global rate : 4.5/5
35 courses
25 reviews
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Pantheon-Sorbonne University (French: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), also known as "La Sorbonne" and "Paris I", is a public research university in Paris, France. It focuses on the areas of law, humanities, po

Global rate : 4.5/5
18 courses
17 reviews

The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) is a public scientific and technological establishment specialising in mathematics and computer science, under the joint authority of the Ministry of Higher Education,

Global rate : 4.5/5
40 courses
420 reviews
Ecole Centrale de Lille

Located in the campus of Lille University of Science and Technology in France, École Centrale de Lille is a renowned Graduate Engineering school, with roots back to 1854 as the École des arts industriels et des mines de Lille, re-organi

Global rate : 4.5/5
1 course
1,260 reviews
HEC Montréal

HEC Montréal (École des Hautes Études commerciales de Montréal), is the independent affiliated business school of the Université de Montréal, and the second oldest management School in Canada. It holds accred

Global rate : 4.5/5
22 courses
66 reviews
National Geographic Society

The National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. Founded in 1888 to “increase and diffuse geographic knowledge,” the member-supported Society works to inspire people to care about the p

Global rate : 4.5/5
6 courses
3 reviews
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) was established in 1971 by the Korean government as the nation’s first research-intensive graduate school for science, engineering and technology. It has now grown into one of the world’s

Global rate : 4.5/5
6 courses
1 review
Arizona State University

Arizona State University (ASU) is a public university located in Tempe, Arizona. Founded in 1885 as a teacher training college when the state was still a territory, the school became a university in 1958. ASU is one of the largest public universitie

Global rate : 4.5/5
26 courses
1 review
Wellesley College

Wellesley College

Global rate : 4.5/5
10 courses
2 reviews

International Higher Institute of perfume and cosmetics and food aromatic (ISIPCA) is a consular institution of higher education located in Versailles (Yvelines in France) in the street of Clagny Park. This institute is managed by the Chamber of Com

Global rate : 4.5/5
2 courses
1 review
Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis

The University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis hosts nearly 11,000 students. It forms public in initial training, continuing education and by means of alternation. The University offers three main areas of study: Science, Technology, He

Global rate : 4.5/5
2 courses
4 reviews
University of Geneva

University of Geneva

Global rate : 4.5/5
1 course
16 reviews
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) is an internationally renowned research university. In the ‘Academic Ranking of World Universities’, it has ranked around the top 100. Located in the vibrant city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, VU conduct

Global rate : 4.5/5
1 course
5 reviews

Implantée à Lille, Nice, Paris, Londres et Singapour, l'EDHEC est l'une des 15 meilleures écoles de commerce d'Europe. Résolument internationale et directement connectée au monde des affaires, elle est r

Global rate : 4.5/5
6 courses
1 review
Université de La Manouba

L'université de La Manouba (arabe : جامعة منوبة) est une université tunisienne basée à La Manouba. Elle est classée par le U.S. News & World Report au 84e rang du classement régional 2016 des univers

Global rate : 4.5/5
1 course
1 review
Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec

The Fédération des kinésiologues du Québec is a non-profit organisation with over 1,800 members, including almost 1,200 accredited kinesiologists.

Global rate : 4.5/5
1 course
3 reviews
University of Florida

The University of Florida (UF) is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in academic excellence, both on campus and online. Ranked in the top 20 of Public Universities, the University of Florida is the state’s oldest university and has

Global rate : 4.5/5
15 courses
44 reviews
University of Alberta

UAlberta is considered among the world’s leading public research- and teaching-intensive universities. As one of Canada’s top universities, we’re known for excellence across the humanities, sciences, creative arts, business, engineering and health sc

Global rate : 4.5/5
15 courses
547 reviews
Curtin University

Curtin University is the largest tertiary education institution in Western Australia. Its main campus is in Perth, Western Australia. Founded in 1966, it was first known as the Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT) and from 1986 as Curtin

Global rate : 4.5/5
27 courses
17 reviews
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

The École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, English: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne) is a research university in Lausanne, Switzerland, that specialises in physical sciences and engineering. One of the

Global rate : 4.5/5
98 courses
159 reviews
Le Cnam

The Conservatoire national des arts et métiers is a major higher education establishment dedicated to lifelong learning. Created by the Convention in 1794 at the suggestion of Abbé Henri Grégoire "to improve national industr

Global rate : 4.5/5
69 courses
196 reviews

Founded in 1972, TÉLUQ is the only francophone university in North America to offer all distance courses. Each year, nearly 20 000 students who are university education, from 1st to 3rd cycle. TÉLUQ also stands by its research performan

Global rate : 4.5/5
6 courses
7 reviews
HEC Paris

HEC Paris is a French business school founded in 1881, managed and financed by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. It is part of the HEC Group, an administrative structure created by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIP) in 1970,

Global rate : 4.5/5
57 courses
46 reviews
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

DTU focuses on research in technical and natural sciences that contributes to the development of society. As an industrially orientated university, our goal is to supply high-level international research based on combining theory with constructing mo

Global rate : 4.5/5
6 courses
92 reviews
Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

The Polytechnic University of Valencia (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in Castilian; Universitat Politècnica de València in Valencian; abbreviated to UPV) is a Spanish university founded in 1968. It currently has 25,400 stu

Global rate : 4.5/5
36 courses
19 reviews
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

The Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) (English: University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres), established in 1969 is a campus of the Université du Québec, located in Trois-Rivières, Quebec. The u

Global rate : 4.5/5
2 courses
8 reviews
University of California, San Diego

The University of California, San Diego is a public land-grant research university in San Diego, California. Established in 1960 near the pre-existing Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego is the southernmost of the University of Californ

Global rate : 4.5/5
44 courses
59 reviews
edgepoint learning

Edgepoint learning is an eLearning development company

Global rate : 4.4/5
1 course
24 reviews
University of London

The University of London is a federal University which includes 17 world leading Colleges. Our International Programmes were founded in 1858 and have enriched the lives of thousands of students, delivering high quality University of London degrees wh

Global rate : 4.4/5
23 courses
19 reviews
Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University, located in Nashville, Tenn., is a private research university and medical center offering a full-range of undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees.

Global rate : 4.4/5
22 courses
254 reviews
Université Paris Descartes

L’université Paris Descartes ou Paris V est une des treize universités parisiennes. Elle est pluridisciplinaire et fait partie de l'université Sorbonne Paris Cité.

Global rate : 4.4/5
7 courses
14 reviews