
EDUlib was launched by HEC Montreal in October 2012 with the aim of making it available to as many people a high quality university education in French in the field of management. EDUlib is now a joint initiative of the University of Montreal and its two affiliated schools, HEC Montreal and Ecole Polytechnique Montreal. The goal remains to offer the greatest number of people a high quality university education in French but in different areas of knowledge of the three partners. EDUlib courses are modeled on those offered-face. They are taught by the same faculty and academic knowledge is transmitted caliber. Course format and frequency change, of course, but not the quality of teaching.

EDUlib is a public education initiative that does not lead to obtaining a university degree. However, it is expected that a statement will crown the efforts of participants who pass quizzes or tests covered in the course. The courses have been designed to be widely accessible, in a concerted effort to spread knowledge.