Learn to work for the environment with MOOCs on sustainable development

Is environmental protection a subject that is close to your heart? Do you want to know the ins and outs of the circular economy? Do you want to understand the challenges of corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Or do you find it interesting to discover the construction sector from this angle? Then you've come to the right place! We offer you all the sustainable development MOOCs you need to learn and improve. Not only are these online courses free, but you will also be certified. This is enough to prove your knowledge and skills to an employer.

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Many online courses to understand how to protect the environment

Sustainable development is a concept that touches on a wide range of areas. Through its ecological, social and economic themes. But also by the actors involved in this environmental protection approach, whether they are companies, public authorities or NGOs. To get you up to speed, we are gathering on this page all the MOOCs available on the web. From the green economy to CSR and eco-construction, you will be able to deepen your knowledge and know-how to better serve future generations.

Becoming employable in sustainable development with a MOOC is possible and free of charge!

Learning is good. Being able to contribute to the future of the planet is even better! Faced with the challenges of environmental protection and the circular economy, the demand is there and she wants to be sure of your talent. With the support of the most prestigious universities and organizations, these MOOCs allow you to obtain certification in order to maximize your employability. And this without having to pay a penny! So put all the chances on your side with the online courses offered by My Mooc.