Online course of statistics
Many statistical theorems can be addressed during your course. In addition, you will be able to register for several MOOC courses if you notice that certain subjects are not taught in the curriculum that you have initially chosen. Anyway, you will learn how to use data from statistical series from surveys. You will learn several stats concepts such as population, values, amplitude, frequency, etc. During your training, you will also be able to master the Language R, which is a free software on statistics. Its use will help you bring out results and graphics instantly.
Discover the laws of probability
A Mooc of probabilities will allow you to acquire a good expertise concerning many probability laws such as the binomial law, Poisson's law or Bernoulli's law. Classes are very interesting while being captivating thanks to videos, texts and quizzes. Finally, know that you will have to follow your training in a diligent way and at its conclusion you will obtain your certificate.