All MOOCs in sociology available

Have you studied sociology or are you interested in this science and would you like to learn more about the subject? You are on the ideal platform to find specialized training on society and the behavior of people living there. Do not wait, hurry to consolidate your sociological knowledge through all the online courses that we have gathered on this page. Discover a wide choice of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in sociology that may interest you. For example, you will receive training in various fields: society, intercultural differences, migration, social norms ...

local_library 48 MOOCs
forum 124 Reviews
grade 4.49 Average rating

Learn sociology and intercultural differences in society

Register now for the best free online courses on sociological sciences. You will know more about the migration, the culture and the stories of different peoples. You will then understand their behavior and actions between them and with others. The online courses available are taught by leading sociologists around the world. Most of these teachers work in world-renowned universities.

A certificate delivered at the end

Improve your knowledge in sociology and discover new information on human behavior. At the end of your training, you can obtain a certificate attesting your involvement. This certificate issued by prestigious universities and organizations can be used to strengthen your curriculum vitae, and thus increase your chances of getting a job. With MOOCs, you do not have to register at university, you can receive your training by staying at home without paying a penny. Come learn more about social norms and intercultural differences between people!