All social science MOOCs available for free

Interested in social sciences, are you looking for an online training, free and certified? Thanks to the MOOCs available on the web that we have gathered here, you have access to all the teachings that make up the humanities and social sciences. By registering for free on these MOOCs, you can study sociology, psychology, anthropology. You can also take online courses in political science and urban planning. You will also receive teachings on human rights and sustainable development, essential themes of our contemporary world.

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Social sciences, a personal and professional enrichment

Social science courses can be added to law and economics courses. This type of transversal and multidisciplinary training offers a solid general knowledge. Thanks to your versatility and the wealth of your knowledge, you maximize your chances of being recruited wherever you want. Choosing MOOCs in social sciences can enrich oneself on the personal and professional level. Moreover, thanks to a certification in social sciences delivered by famous establishments, you will be able to integrate various sectors.

Professional orientation with MOOCs in social sciences

The courses in psychology and sociology provide a better understanding of the functioning of the individual and the group. These lessons are therefore useful if you plan to work in the field of human resources and management. With law and economy in addition, you will develop a general culture enough to pass the exam in order to integrate the Administration. The courses in urban planning allow to work in the urbanism but also in urban architecture. With the courses in Political Science, you will get the necessary knowledge to integrate the sphere of politics. These courses will also allow you to better understand the environment in which you live and in which you live. Finally, you will have the skills to qualify for a position within a humanitarian and solidarity structure.