Strengthen and maximize your scientific knowledge with My Mooc

For several years now, MOOCs have been a perfect solution for those who wish to upgrade their skills. Therefore, My Mooc offers you courses to improve your knowledge of science. We list free and certified MOOCs in various sciences physics, chemistry, biology and mechanics.

local_library 1195 MOOCs
forum 2352 Reviews
grade 4.55 Average rating

To increase your competence by taking courses from the most prestigious universities

In an increasingly competitive professional world, lifelong learning has become a necessity for those who aspire to have a sustainable career development. Thus, if you wish to have more profound knowledge in science, we offer you the opportunity to follow our MOOCs elaborated by the most prestigious universities of the world: Polytechnique Montréal, the Institut des Mines Télécom (IMT), the Université Paris-Saclay and ENS Cachan.

Online training courses with certifications

MOOCs are now recognized as training in their own right, and lead to formal certification for those who have followed all the resources and obtained satisfactory results in the evaluations. Thus, whether in physics, chemistry, biology or mechanics, My Mooc gives you the opportunity to strengthen your scientific skills. And that will undoubtedly be a significant addition to your CV, and will contribute to your employability in your professional field.