All MOOCs to easily learn about quantum mechanics

We have gathered all the MOOC-type online courses about quantum mechanics on this page. Diminutive of Massive Open Online Course, the MOOC is a form of online training that offers explanatory text content, fun videos, as well as forums and intellectual exchanges around a particular topic or theme. Available by session or throughout a year, the MOOCs offer you the opportunity to train for free in many areas such as quantum physics, chemistry, geology, quantum mechanics, or analytic mechanics.

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Know everything about quantum mechanics or quantum physics

Above all, ancient mechanics or quantum physics is a branch of science that tries to provide a rational explanation of the behavior of microscopic objects such as particles, atoms, molecules, and so on. More precisely, quantum mechanics is one of the great pillars of contemporary science, full of paradoxes, mysteries, surprises, and so on. So, are you a big fan of electromagnetic radiation? Are you looking for the ideal MOOC that will allow you to deepen your knowledge about a relativistic theory, analytical mechanics or electromagnetic radiation? Choose the free online training that matches your requests and expectations.

Be trained as a student in a polytechnic school

Do you want to follow a training that puts synergy between magnetism and electricity? My Mooc provides you with all online training available on the web allowing you to become an expert in the field. That said, you can start learning the basics of magnetism and electricity to understand the universe around you. Some courses allow you for example to solve practical problems that are the electric field, the Gaussian theorem, the electric potential, the relativistic theory, the electric force, etc.