All MOOCs in the field of public health

Our platform lists a large number of MOOCs available on the Web that allow you to learn and train online and, if necessary, obtain certification that you have taken a course. This certification is an asset on the job market as it demonstrates additional knowledge and skills that you have developed through MOOCs. The online courses we gathered come from many universities around the world, some of which are very prestigious, as well as recognized institutions or organizations. In the next category, you will have the opportunity to discover and choose courses in this area that truly correspond to your training needs and the study time you want to spend, all at your own pace.

local_library 188 MOOCs
forum 150 Reviews
grade 4.56 Average rating

Care, health system and hospitals

Public health is a broad theme encompassing specific aspects aimed at promoting the health of populations by taking into account hygiene, social factors, psychosocial factors and environmental factors, and by focusing on prevention. Thus, in the MOOCs selected for you by you, you will have the opportunity to take courses on the issue of health and care, or to deepen your knowledge of health systems and hospitals.

MOOCs that address the theme of the environment (pollution, nutrition…)

As public health is also interested in the environment to prevent risks, we also select courses on this platform to help you make progress in the field of the environment and pollution issues. Some online courses also address the issue of drugs, a real public health issue today.