All MOOC training courses in personal development

Do you dread speaking in public or do you feel that your career does not take off? Set yourself the goal of developing yourself personally through a free MOOC. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) allow you to obtain recognized certifications as they are awarded by recognized universities or organizations. The online courses listed in this category deal with career development, conflict resolution or relaxation. Your personal development goes first and foremost by the well-being of your sociability: speech, the art of persuasion, etc. In the same way, the blossoming in your professional life will allow your interior development.

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Design and Creativity of Personal Development

To awaken your sense of Design and Creativity, you can take courses offered by the most prestigious institutions in the world. It's free and according to your convenience. You will then have a certification of your knowledge which will open you new opportunities. The MOOCs available on this page will help you feel comfortable in a group and ask your true identity. You can take these courses as part of a pure personal challenge or to enrich your achievements. You maximize your personal faculties.

Conflict Resolution and Career Development

The more conflicts you resolve, the more your management skills will be recognized. With these free courses focused on solving and developing, your skills will have more value added. MOOCs are open to all people of different nationalities and cultures. You can learn according to your own pace and according to your availability. All this for free and with certificates recognized worldwide. Development inevitably involves development in the professional world.