Browse among MOOCs available on mechanical engineering

What is mechanical engineering? It is to design, develop and support mechanical products that already exist or that will be imagined for the future. With the support of the MOOC gathered on this page by My Mooc, you will discover many different themes such as the Mechanics of deformable solids, thermodynamics or fluid mechanics. Mechanical engineering brings together all these disciplines. The MOOC-type online courses are developed by the largest engineering schools (Polytechnique, Mines Paris Tech, etc ...) attesting the seriousness of these courses! You will find necessarily what you are looking for, either to train you, to expand your knowledge, to become more successful, or to find the job that interests you.

local_library 33 MOOCs
forum 4 Reviews
grade 4.44 Average rating

Mechanics of Deformable Solids and Fluid Mechanics

Fluid mechanics is one of the branches of physics whose study concerns the flows of fluids such as liquids and gases when they undergo forces or constraints. By definition, a solid is a body that can not undergo any deformation. In the course of Mechanics of Deformable Solids, you will learn to solve several simple problems and to understand the physics. The courses will focus on developing solutions related to torsion, bending or even thermal stress ...


The thermodynamics according to the French dictionary Larousse is a branch of physics where the notions of temperature and heat intervene. Its studies what happens during heat exchanges such as the transformation of thermal energy into mechanical energy. During your training, you will learn to apply its principles.