The best MOOCs on law and legal on the web!

As part of your law studies, you might be looking for some additional material related to labor law, public law, business law, criminal law or corporate law or, probably, it is your personal initiative to study law. Whatever your objective is, you will find many online courses in all branches of law on our platform.

local_library 157 MOOCs
forum 11374 Reviews
grade 4.58 Average rating

MOOCs for all specialties

Whatever your specific expectations, do not wait any longer to discover on our platform all the online courses that you need to master to succeed and broaden your skills in labor law, public law, business law, criminal law or corporate law. Briefly, it is a body of knowledge to help you figure out the specifics of the legal system and know to protect yourself against the legal risks that may exist in our system.

Need more information?

Whether you are a future lawyer, or a future law consultant, you can use MOOC’s to refine your knowledge in labor law, public law, business law, criminal law or corporate law. On our platform, you can know more about how the system of justice functions