Improve your knowledge of human rights with MOOCs

If you are looking for human rights courses, we have gathered all the important MOOC related to this topic on this page. You will find MOOC on refugee law, civil liberties, international law. Designed by experienced law teachers, these courses will allow you to perfect your knowledge in this field. At the end of each MOOC training, you will receive a certificate from a prestigious university or a renowned organization such as Amnesty International.

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Online courses on refugee law and civil liberties

There are more and more conflicts in the world today. This has the effect of pushing many people to seek refuge in other countries. With MOOC dedicated on refugee law, you will be able to understand the status that the UN accords to refugees, their rights and especially the obligations of the rulers who host refugees on their territories. Many people are victims of the violation of these freedoms. The online courses available on this category page are going to allow you to know these freedoms as well as the processes put in place to protect these fundamental rights!

Become an expert on international law issues!

The MOOC gathered about human rights on this website will allow you to have solid knowledge of international law. Indeed, refugee law issues, as well as freedoms, have an international dimension, since they are included in the UN texts. So, in contact with all these legal questions, you will have a good knowledge of the subjects of this branch of law once you have completed a MOOC available here.