Browse MOOCs in higher education

Do you have a doctorate from a university and you want to take a course, so you can teach? To save time, discover all the training available on the web collected by us in higher education. You will find indeed a wealth of online courses validated by certifications and which are often free. These studies will also be useful if you are already a teacher or have a doctorate. It will also be an opportunity to share the results of your research with an audience that is interested.

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forum 330 Reviews
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Free online courses to learn how to teach in higher education

Being a professor is not just about lecturing students at universities. You will have to raise their interest in your subject, to make them react during your course. This is essential for your students to listen to you, to remember what you are saying and most importantly, to do the work that you ask them to do. You will find all the methods to become a good teacher in the courses offered in the MOOCs. These courses are also developed by experienced teachers, which is the basis of the guarantee of their quality. Finally, it can have many parts and spread over several weeks.

Courses that are not only for future teachers

If you are still in high school or if you are in preparation, it would be normal for you to be a little intrigued by the world of universities, especially if you intend to continue your studies there. Several MOOCs will help you in your orientation so that you find the best curriculum according to your ambitions. Programs are also formulated for PhD students who are looking for career guidance in line with their skills. Registration to these courses will also be an opportunity for them to discover the methods of recruitment of companies.