All MOOCs in healthcare, for professionals and individuals

Whether you are a doctor, medical or social assistant, parent or patient, the MOOCs are privileged tools to accompany you in your activity or your daily life. They are built from lessons spread over several hours or weeks. We have gathered on this page all online courses available on the internet made by prestigious universities, with hospitals in Paris, France Digital University or other structures of public notoriety. At the end of these online courses, you will be able to benefit from a certification.

local_library 108 MOOCs
forum 87 Reviews
grade 4.38 Average rating

To perfect oneself to better cure

As a practitioner of clinical medicine, the MOOCs available in this section will allow you to enrich your knowledge and skills to bring the best health care to your patients. The course focuses on various pathologies, to better understand, diagnose, and treat them. Following a MOOC is an ideal way to keep abreast of new developments in medical biology and pharmacy. Psychotherapy training will allow you to better understand the psychology of the patient and offer him more appropriate health care. The online courses will bring you additional certification through comprehensive programs, recognized in the professional world.

Health training accessible to all

The certifications issued are a quality asset for medical and social actors, in contact with patients such as social workers or specialized educators. Training covers the field of health in all its aspects, including psychology and prevention. Classes are open to everyone, including if you are an individual who wants to take control of your health through prevention modules, stress management or nutrition. MOOCs on health care will give you the essential keys to adopt a healthy lifestyle and learn how to manage your health on a daily basis.