All MOOCs on Health and Medicine

Below you will find all the online courses dealing with medicine and health issues. MOOCs collected in the category are designed by health professionals from the best hospitals or universities. They will share their knowledge with you and also give you validated advice on how to stay healthy. These courses are suitable for both people who want to know more about a specific medical issue, and for people who are thinking of pursuing a career in medicine.

local_library 713 MOOCs
forum 1890 Reviews
grade 4.52 Average rating

Courses given by the best specialists in medecine

On My Mooc, you will find a large collection of courses in all medicine related areas. These courses are taught by eminent professors and specialists recognized in the whole world. So, for example, you can do a course not only in general medicine but also in specialized fields such as pediatrics, psychology, or rheumatology!

Obtain certificates from renowned universities and organizations

At the end of each MOOC, you will have an opportunity to apply for a certificate that serves as confirmation of knowledge acquired. That might be a great asset to your curriculum vitae. Thus, MOOCs allow you not only to improve your knowledge and skills in the medical field but also help you maximize your employability thanks to certificates issued by the most prestigious universities and organizations in the world.