All MOOCs available on geographic information systems (GIS)

My MOOC has listed in this category all the MOOCs of the web dealing with geographic information systems both theoretically and practically. However, these online courses are aimed at individuals whose education or profession is related to land use planning and geographic analysis. To this end, it will allow you to acquire notions on the geographical visualization, the geographical analysis and the cartography. The courses offered on this page allow to follow a training designed by the largest schools and organizations and deliver a certificate at the end of the course. The different MOOCs can be on the following themes: the use of geographic information systems, the fundamentals of geomatics and the collection of geographical data.

local_library 20 MOOCs
forum 13 Reviews
grade 4.38 Average rating

Cartography and geographical visualization

The primary goal of these MOOCs is to help you master the principles of geographic visualization. You will then learn to apply them to produce and visualize maps. These online courses are open to a large non-specialist audience. Cartography and geography are necessary for teachers of geography, history, etc. All the trainings listed on this platform will help you in your learning objectives. Most of them are free and provide certification. This will allow you to value the skills and knowledge acquired.

Online courses to understand what Geomatics is

Geomatics is most often aimed at students, future civil engineers and the environment. It enables them to understand the role and challenges of geographic information systems in construction, land use planning and the environment. Information and communication technologies have made it easy for many people to access many databases. They particularly benefit the professionals of the field by a multitude of services. Geographical analysis has also followed this trend by modernizing these different media, whether maps, maps or any other geographical visualization data. For this purpose, we invite you to discover the MOOC available on the page.