All MOOCs to learn foreign languages

Learning a foreign language and becoming multilingual can open many doors. With globalization and the growing complexity of human relations, being straddled between two different cultures is an undeniable asset today. This is why MOOCs in this category allow you to do it for free and without time or place constraint. Whatever your level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced), you will find courses that meet your needs. Vocabulary lessons, grammar, written and oral expression, accompanied by exercises and practical work to allow you to express yourself better in English, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Arabic, etc., while evolving to your own pace.

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forum 6973 Reviews
grade 4.58 Average rating

Courses with high added value

Designed by experienced teachers from the best schools in the world, these courses are suitable for all socio-professional categories and will bring you a good understanding of the cultures studied: for example, fluent English, professional, or for networking. Take a chance by taking advantage of this opportunity offered by the Internet. You can start now. Access is free and free. In addition, the outcome of each course is sanctioned by a certificate of achievement that certifies your new skills.

Propel your professional career with one of the most spoken languages in the world

Today, to speak English, Arabic, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, that is to say one or more of these languages in addition to French, it is at the same time a personal wealth and a competence professional that will allow you to make the difference during your job search or job interviews. But in general, it requires physical immersion in the target country before being able to express oneself as natives. However, if you do not have the resources (time or money) to realize such a project, then these MOOCs are what you need. They will bring you everything you need.