Find all MOOCs on the DevOps available on the web!

Are you looking for a certified training? Would you like to improve your knowledge? We offer you many online courses to discover the principles of DevOps. These courses will allow you to better understand agile development and continuous integration, that are the essential issues in the creation of high value-added applications.

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The DevOps approach for increased productivity

The online training courses we offer suit both beginners and those who want to upgrade their skills, needed to run technicians and operational teams. You will learn agile development and grasp the main principles of continuous integration environment to meet new objectives, for example, delivering applications at an ever-faster pace. You will also discover Amazon Web Services tools that are used with the Amazon Web Services cloud or the GitHub collaborative work platform.

Become an expert in continuous integration

These courses are designed to help you advance in your skill development. Agile methods are indeed the result of very recent requirements, the principles and good practices of which are explained in the MOOCs. You also have the opportunity to obtain a certificate confirming your knowledge at the end of each training session.