All MOOCs on Data Science / Data Science

Are you looking for online courses in Data Science? Then you are right in the right place! Whether you dream of becoming a Data Scientist or Data Analyst, here you can gain valuable scientific and technical knowledge a professional data scientist has. A great variety of free and certified MOOCs are already available in this category: Python, Bioinformatics, Big Data, Data mining, Data analysis, Data Visualization. Elaborated by the most prestigious universities the courses provide you with an opportunity to get a certificate that might be a great asset to your CV

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Online course on Big Data

According to the Glassdoor 2018 rankings data scientist is the best job in US. If you are thinking of working with big data, you should have solid knowledge and skills. Here, in this category you will find a plenty of free online resources to study to be a big data specialist. In addition, this category includes lots of MOOCs that cover such disciplines as data mining, data analysis, data visualization. Choose the course that suits you best.

Free online course on data analysis

There are many ways to become a data scientist. Probably, the best one is to embark on online courses that will help you acquire truly valuable and comprehensive knowledge in the area. Here, you can find a great variety of courses to learn, for instance, Python, the language that is largely used in data science. Pleases keep in mind also that ,in most cases, you can get a certificate after finishing a course