Discover MOOCs to understand and apply the foundations of cybersecurity

Discover a great number of MOOCs dedicated to cybersecurity. With these courses, you will learn the art of cryptography and even get some insights into hacking in order to understand better how to protect your computer against cyber-attacks. It is to note that there are courses for professionals and non-professionals as well. The courses are designed by most renowned universities and organization in the world.

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Cybersecurity, a rich and constantly evolving IT sector

Elaborating new cybersecurity measures will be gaining more and more importance since a nulber of cyber-attacks is predicted to be increasing in the years to come. In this respect, the field of cybersecurity will be amply financed by companies and governments that will need more sophisticated protection and preventive mechanisms against cybercrimes. Here, we offer you a wide range of MOOCs to help you figure out all multiple specifics of which cybersecurity is composed.

Become a certified IT security expert with My Mooc

Those who are interested in becoming an IT security expert we invite to look at the collection of MOOCs covering cyber defense, hacking methods, privacy and other acute IT security issues many companies and organizations are currently facing.