MOOCs to learn how to solve equations and integrals
In the "Calculations" subcategory under "Mathematics and Statistics", we have collected all online courses related to mathematical calculations such as courses on equations and integrals. These courses are designed to allow you to progressively evolve. Before going to exercises that will allow you to verify your knowledge, you will start by acquiring some knowledge. As for exercises, you will evolve from the most obvious to the most complex. As for the equations, for example, you will start by solving the equations with one unknown to pass to those with several unknowns.
Mooc to learn how to solve functions and variables
The sub-category "Calculations" also offers you training that will teach you how to solve problems of functions and variables. As with equations and integrals, you will start with lessons before moving on to exercises that, of course, range from the simplest to the most complicated. The MOOCs we have assembled will allow you to significantly improve your computational skills.