MOOCs for learning cryptocurrency and blockchain

More and more, the virtual currency is gaining ground and many people want to know more. If you are one of these people, it is important for you to have some control of this subject before embarking on this adventure. At My Mooc we wanted to gather all the necessary training available for free on the web for a good learning in this area. You can take courses on the blockchain and different virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin.

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Take online courses on the blockchain

The free courses you will find on this site will lead you to the discovery and exploration of this storage technology. By following the courses available in this category of courses, you will finally understand what this technology is. This discovery will go through the knowledge of different versions of this technology and how it works. You will also discover, during this training, the potential of this technology. All these notions are essential for you if you want to get started in this area.

MOOCs dedicated to cryptocurrencies

You will find courses on virtual currency, which is really booming right now. These courses cover the different virtual currencies that are used, namely Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum. You will learn how these virtual currencies work, how can they be acquired and how the cryptocurrency mining works. At the end of your training, virtual currencies will have no secrets for you.