Discover all MOOCs about Big Data

Are you looking for certifying training in the field of Big Data? You want to master the most popular programming languages: Python, R language ...? You are in the right place! In this category dedicated to MOOC Big Data, you will attend various courses on data science, data lake, Apache Hadoop. Thanks to these free courses available at our partners, discover how algorithms work, learn to code with the most widely used languages, and become a fixture of Big Data.

local_library 46 MOOCs
forum 11151 Reviews
grade 4.42 Average rating

Learn data programming with MOOCs?

The online courses available on this page allow you to obtain certification from a world-renowned organization or university in the field of Big Data such as Stanford University. Certificates obtained at the same time make it possible to prove one's skills and knowledge in programming and computer science. They also increase the chances of getting the job of your dreams. Thanks to the knowledge of experienced teachers, your R, Python and Apache Hadoop programming courses will become a pleasure.

A learning mode combining simplicity and perfect mastery of concepts

All online courses on this page are related to Big Data, including data lake, data science and designed by leading schools such as Stanford. In a few hours of video lessons taken step by step, with application and learning modules, you will be able to understand the essential concepts in order to obtain the certification. Take advantage of these free courses to get one of the most sought-after skills today in the field of computer science. Thus, you will become essential in the field of Big Data and you will maximize your employability.