All MOOCs on Android Development

You are passionate about new technologies and you also think that mobile development is a profession of the future? Follow the MOOCs listed on this page and become an Android developer. You will learn to know and master the Java language, as well as the different tools and frameworks to create an application. You will then be able to submit your creations on the Google Playstore, which will then be downloadable from any smartphone. The MOOCs, offered by the most prestigious universities, are free, some leaving the possibility of opting for a paid certification. By adding this certification to your resume, you will improve your employability.

local_library 53 MOOCs
forum 22 Reviews
grade 4.24 Average rating

Learn how to develop an Android app ...

Creating an Android application requires a variety of skills. Naturally, the knowledge of the Android system is the basis, and the command of the Java language is essential since it is the programming language used to create applications for this type of smartphone. You will learn how to develop robust, reliable, secure, and connected applications that can connect to databases or remote servers. But you will not be alone. No need to start from scratch every time, learning one or more development frameworks will make your life easier and more productive.

... and make it accessible from the Google Playstore

Being able to create your smartphone app is one thing. It must then be distributed, so that all users who might be interested can install it easily. Putting your app on Google Playstore is the best way to ensure visibility and allow everyone to download and install it. You will find everything you need to know in this category to be able to deploy and track the distribution of your application. Put the odds on your side to transform the idea behind the application into success!