Expand your knowledge by taking a MOOC in algebra and geometry

We have gathered here all the free MOOCs and certifications available on the web that will allow you to develop the necessary knowledge for the different areas of expertise that you may encounter: algebra, geometry, linear models, trigonometry, analytical geometry, etc. Mathematics is a discovery and a perpetual search for the truth behind more or less conceptual elements of the world. Go ahead with this research with us and the specialists in the field you are currently exploring, progress to the next level of your skills and your career or studies with our different courses.

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Mathematics ?

Whether you are new to the field or expert, mathematics can be a source of awakening to knowledge and openness to technology and society (economic dynamics, elections, etc.) formidable. As the great mathematician Alain Connes (Fields medalist, equivalent of the Nobel Prize for mathematics) says, the interest of the discipline resides first and foremost in the fact that it teaches how to become one's own master. In times of ancient Greece, it was considered that geometry or mathematics today, algebra included, was a subject that young people had to learn to master before entering the study of philosophy. so that their minds are willing to receive the following correctly ...

Why perfect yourself in algebra and geometry with MOOCs?

Professional projects or study, desire to deepen certain areas by intellectual curiosity or want to discover a new discipline, want to go over some past deficiencies ... Here you will find something to educate you in the different areas that can you interesting: algebra, analytical geometry, linear models, trigonometry, geometry, analytics, and many others... We found for you a list of MOOCs that may interest you. The richness of mathematics is inexhaustible, like the thirst that guides individuals towards it.