- Written by Lolly Daskel
- From www.huffpost.com
Communication Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

- Free Access
- Introductive Level
Article details
HuffPost is the original internet newspaper, founded in 2005. HuffPost endeavors to be accurate in its reporting, transparent and thorough in its sourcing, and fair and independent in its analysis. HuffPost strives to verify and corroborate information via multiple sources whenever possible. HuffPost grants anonymity to sources so they can provide information in the public interest without putting themselves at risk; HuffPost does not grant anonymity to sources so they can avoid accountability for their opinions

HuffPost is the original internet newspaper, founded in 2005. HuffPost endeavors to be accurate in its reporting, transparent and thorough in its sourcing, and fair and independent in its analysis. HuffPost strives to verify and corroborate information via multiple sources whenever possible. HuffPost grants anonymity to sources so they can provide information in the public interest without putting themselves at risk; HuffPost does not grant anonymity to sources so they can avoid accountability for their opinions